Dental Implant Recovery – Facts You Need to Know

Dental Implant Recovery Process
By Bluebird Family Dentistry & Orthodontics | November 1, 2019

Dental implant treatments can be stressful at times, especially if multiple implants are required. With advancements in dental practices, not only may post-surgery discomfort be alleviated for many, but the dental implant recovery process has also become a lot easier for most patients.

The recovery process of dental implants varies from one patient to another. Yet, there are a few factors that define the recovery process and time that will be needed to recover completely:

Number of Implants

The recovery time of your dental implant primarily depends on the number of implants you have been treated with. Generally, since the healing time for different teeth varies, the recovery time for multiple implants is often higher than that for a single tooth implant.

Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is required when your jawbone is either too weak or too thin to serve as a firm base for your implant(s). Bone grafts normally takes several months to integrate with the jawbone.
While a single tooth implant tends to have a shorter recovery time, it still depends on whether your jawbone requires a bone graft or not. If an initial bone graft is necessary, you might have to wait for months before the implant can even be placed. Due to these factors the dental implant recovery process may often be impacted by whether or not you need a bone graft.

Sinus Lift

Sinus lift is another additional aspect that could prolong the recovery time. Upon closer examination, your dentist may suggest that the sinus around the molars and premolars must be lifted to accommodate the additional bone. This would help augment the upper jaw with bone but can increase the dental implant recovery time.

Osseo Integration

What actually determines the success or failure of the dental implant treatment is the process of Osseo integration. This refers to how readily your body adapts to the placement of the artificial screw. This time varies from one patient to another.

If the implant integrates well with the jawbone, the osseointegration process would be faster, resulting in a shorter dental implant recovery time.

However, not all patients possess such adaptability. Some jawbones take time to accept the new implant. The recovery process and time may increase if the body takes time to adjust with the implant.

You may have realized that it’s not so easy to predict the process and time of dental implant recovery. Each situation varies in needs and the dental implant recovery process is unique to each individual.

If you have questions about Dental implants, whether they are necessary in your situation, and what they might entail, stop by our , and consult with a dentist who will be ready and willing to help you find healthy solutions for your dental needs.

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